Kathryn Lee
Your Nerdy, Curvy Part-Time Girlfriend
Would you like to take me out? To keep me in?
Does a sweet combination of both pique your interest?
Maybe an adventure awaits us.
The choice is yours...
1 hour
1.5 hours
2 hours
3 hours
4 hours
5-6 hours
7-8 hours
Extended Adventures
Dates over 12 hrs are for returning clients only
9-10 hours
11-12 hours
13-16 hours
24 hours
36 hours
48 hours
+ day
6 hours $3,000
8 hours $3,500
12 hours $4,000
16 hours $4,500
24 hours $5,500
36 hours $6,500
48 hours $8,500
additional days $3,000
Flights over 5 hours require
12 hour minimum booking.
Dates over 12 hours are for returning clients only.
Travel expenses are not included in rate. Paid via cashapp, booked by me.
Fly Me to You
Prebooking well in advance is recommended and appreciated.
Follow me on twitter for updated availability!
Full screening, pre booking, and deposit required.
I am available everyday.
Early mornings and late nights require prebooking. Same day dates are sometimes available with at least 3 hours notice.
Outcall Only
All dates require 10% deposit
Deposits accepted through cash app ,
venmo, or gift card
*Please review my cancellation policy
Refreshments are always appreciated.
Dates 4 hours+ please include
social time and a meal or activity
(suggestions on my date idea page!)
Extended Adventures include at least
6 hours of sleep per night spent together.
I love seeing couples and welcome them at the rates listed above with a two hour minimum.
*Rates are for time and companionship only*